4wd club

Willowglen 4X4 Not So Challenging - 1 to 2 October 2022

Date: 01-Oct-2022

Event Details

Members are invited to attend the Willowglen not-so-challenging event on the long weekend in October.

This is a funkhana-style event with several fun, skills-based challenges on Sat & Sun, all of which can be completed in a STANDARD 4WD. It is not a hardcore 4wd competition like the Willowglen Challenge. Each event is carefully designed to test your skill without using speed or damaging your 4WD. There will be a BBQ dinner on Saturday night. The event is free for all members. The BBQ in the shed on Saturday evening is also free for members, even if not competing in the events. Only those who have completed our driver training course are eligible to enter the events and Non-member guests are welcome.

Possible challenges which will test your skills are parking closest to the post (no cameras to be used), a car based “laughing clowns” game, flag-drops, driving blindfolded, spearing spuds and pinpoint wheel placement. None of the events are timed and penalties are only given for touching conduit/bunting or doing a back and fill etc. Obviously, some will require a navigator (such as the blindfold course). We will require volunteer marshals etc for all the events, with enough to ensure that each marshal also has time to enter the events. We also need someone to coordinate the BBQ dinner arrangements. There may even be a couple of optional harder challenges available if we can arrange them in time.

Full details will be supplied later, and bookings will be essential for BBQ catering purposes. Families and their Guests welcome. Please email 4wdtrips@tlcc.com.au to volunteer as a marshal or to organise the BBQ etc.

Put it into your calendar now - October 1-2 (Long weekend).

If you are bringing guests, include total numbers attending in the form below, and please complete a Guest Booking Form to receive the Guest Pass.

Book now for Willowglen 4X4 Not So Challenging, 1-2 October 2022

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Please log in or become a member before booking in.

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(For Financial Members only. Unfinancial Members who wish to renew online must email membership@tlcc.com.au or admin@tlcc.com.au)

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Membership Application fees are prorated over the TLCC’s financial year which runs from the 1st November to 31st October each year.

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