4wd club

Trip Leaders Course 28 to 29 September 2024 CANCELLED

Date: 28-Sep-2024

Event Details

The course will run over two days and although you don’t need a club qualification to run a trip, this course will assist aspiring leaders with the considerations and aspects of becoming a successful Trip Leader.

The course is very hands on, there will be no death by Powerpoint and comprehensive course notes will be emailed to you post completion of the course. There will be discussion, note taking as required and scenarios requiring role play, including driving around Willowglen.

The course will cover attributes of a successful Trip Leader, detailed planning, route considerations, essential equipment and problem-solving using role play scenarios.

Essential Equipment Required for the Course:

Notepad, Pens, Head Torch, Willowglen Map, Compass, Warm Clothing and Rainwear, Hema Road Atlas or Similar.


The idea of running this course is to increase club trips by having more Trip Leaders. It is expected that participants will attend the course with a trip in mind, which they intend to run. The club will offer you support in this regard. A one day trip somewhere is quite acceptable. The biggest gripe of new members is, there are not enough trips, do your bit to make TLCC more interesting!


Cost: Free Location:Willowglen Duration: 2 Days

Due to unforeseen circumstances the Trip Leader's Course for 28 to 29 September 2024 has had to be CANCELLED.

Please log in or become a member before booking in.

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(For Financial Members only. Unfinancial Members who wish to renew online must email membership@tlcc.com.au or admin@tlcc.com.au)

Become a TLCC Member

Membership Application fees are prorated over the TLCC’s financial year which runs from the 1st November to 31st October each year.

New Membership