4wd club

General Meeting at ARB Thornleigh (Bookings closed)

Date: 04-Nov-2024

Event Details

The November General Meeting will be held at a different venue this month. 

The Meeting will be held at ARB Thornleigh per kind courtesy of Nick Mannell, a long standing supporter of the Club.

ARB Thornleigh

15 Sefton Road, 

Thornleigh, NSW 2120.

Jimmy Porter (store manager) will be our host for the evening and the store will be open for browsing and buying prior to the meeting.

Nick has also kindly organised for Zetifi smart antennas & Redarc. to join

Rough details are as follows:

Gather from 6.15pm | Meeting starts @ 7.30pm
Store open with show pricing for members
Sausage sizzle & Supper
Redarc Guest Speaker
Zetifi smart antennas - Experience better coverage than ever with Zetifi Smart Antennas.The only antennas that automatically adapt to their surroundings.
Walk around of a Fully Accessorised 300 series
Lucky door prizes
Bring your own chair

Please come and enjoy a meeting with a difference!

Kind Regards,

Andrew Boyd - President
Toyota Land Cruiser Club of Australia

Bookings have now closed.

Please log in or become a member before booking in.

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(For Financial Members only. Unfinancial Members who wish to renew online must email membership@tlcc.com.au or admin@tlcc.com.au)

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Membership Application fees are prorated over the TLCC’s financial year which runs from the 1st November to 31st October each year.

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