4wd club

HEMA Explorer App and HEMA HX-1 - 9 September 2023

Date: 09-Sep-2023

Event Details

This course will cover Hema Explorer software which runs on Android and IOS devices as well as the Hema HX-1. While some of the menu items differ depending on the hardware used (Android tablet or phone, Apple iPad or iPhone or Hema HX-1) the operation is the same and the differences between menus on the devices are highlighted. Topics to be covered include configuration, waypoints, routes, tracks and trip preparation using the Hema Cloud.

Note: Other software from Hema (Hema Map, Hema App) and Hema HN7 are NOT part of this course.

What to Bring:

Android phone and/or tablet OR Apple OIS device – bring your Windows PC if you want to try this.

Cost: Free
Location: Willowglen
Duration: 1 Day from 10:00 am

Book now for the HEMA HX-1 course - 9 September 2023.


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