4wd club

TLCC Fireworks Spectator - POSTPONED - Date TBA

Date: 08-Jun-2024

Event Details

One of the most popular events of the year and a real treat for all members … what’s more, it costs you nothing! Our very own Fireworks Spectacular will rival anything in your local neighbourhood. And because we hold it in the valley at Koolandilly on the banks of the Wollondilly River, the atmosphere, lightshow & sounds are amazing.  

Yes, it will be a bit chilly, but with a big bonfire, BBQ dinner including rissoles, sausages, salads, and dessert, with ice-cream cones for kids, you will have everything you need to enjoy a winter's evening with your family and friends at the TLCC.  Members may invite guests. So make sure you book in so we don't run out of food. 

BYO plates, cutlery, camp chairs and table, your own drinks (juice will be provided at the dinner). A torch is essential to walk between the shed and the fireworks site. . 

If you are coming along please think about volunteering to help out with activities or food preparation. Social events like this can only run if members are willing to step up and help. If you can volunteer please email Debbie social@tlcc.com.au

Members are reminded:

  • To re-read the Club By-laws including those specific to the use of Club properties
  • New members must have completed all 3 modules of driver training prior to the event
  • BYO firewood and only use existing fireplaces. Freestanding BYO above ground fire pits are permitted provided ash is tipped into existing fireplaces. 
  • Members must drive their guest’s vehicle into and out of Koolandilly.

Please only include persons covered by your membership ie partner and children 16 years and under on this booking form.

If you are bringing a Guest, you must complete a Guest Booking Form even if the guest is travelling in your vehicle. 

If you have children 17 years to adult who wish to attend please fill out a guest booking form.

If guests are bringing their own cars you will receive a Guest Pass which must be displayed on the dashboard of the guest's vehicle at all times.

POSTPONED DUE TO FLOOD  -  Date to be advised

Please log in or become a member before booking in.

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(For Financial Members only. Unfinancial Members who wish to renew online must email membership@tlcc.com.au or admin@tlcc.com.au)

Become a TLCC Member

Membership Application fees are prorated over the TLCC’s financial year which runs from the 1st November to 31st October each year.

New Membership